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We love to receive letters from our patients about the quality care they have received.  Just this week we received a letter of appreciation from a family member of a patient in Dresden, TN.  The letter states how two of our employees, Sherry Cole, CNA and Tony Harrison, RN went above and beyond their job role to care for a patient.  Please read the letter which you can find here – Dresden Appreciation Letter.  We are so proud to have these two part of the CareAll family.

careall home care dresden tn

Bluie and Pinky - Tony Harrison, RN and Sherry Cole, CNA

Retha Dobson, HHA, Huntingdon Office

CareAll would like to honor Retha Dobson, HHA, of the Huntingdon office, who has worked for the company since 1993. Sanna Evans, director of patient services, says, “Retha goes above her job description. She is always willing to help any of her co-workers and patients and does it with a smile on her face. Retha has prepared and brought food for many of her patients who need it.”

“She is always willing to give that extra bath or fix her patient’s hair for a doctor’s appointment, a funeral or a wedding,” Sanna said. “She is always willing to spend that extra time with the patients who just want to talk. She has an infectious attitude I wish we all could have every day.”

Sanna said Retha had a female patient who recently passed away only three weeks after her husband had died. Retha is spending her own time visiting the couple’s daughter to assist in her grieving.  “I love my job,” Retha said. “I love meeting people and helping. They are home-bound and I am the only person they see. A true social bond develops between us.”

Retha used to spend her free time riding horses but now dotes on her grandchildren, Danielle, 15, and Jason, 12.

The Huntingdon office is extremely proud of Retha and all she does for her patients and co-workers.

CareAll home care is now hiring Physical Therapist Assistants in Tennessee.  We have many openings across the state and are taking applications in our offices and online.  The video below has one of our LPTA’s, Hillary Hawks, talking about the flexibility she enjoys while working as a Physical Therapist Assistant for CareAll.

Click here to find out more about Physical Therapist Assistant openings with CareAll.


Karry Knox, LPN

CareAll Home Care would like to announce that Karry Knox, LPN with our Nashville Home Health office, is the first winner of our Excellence in Home Care Award.   Karry started with our Private Duty office in Martin, TN where she had been a resident since 1981.  In August of 2008 Karry moved to Nashville to work in the Home Health office.    When asked about Karry, Tracy Sanders says, “She is just an outstanding person.  Her goodness and kindred spirit follows her wherever she goes.  She can be demanding but gentle and when asked to realize the needs and respect of others situations and personalities she accomadiates them.  “WOW” what a woman and asset to our CareAll company.”  Kary states that she sees her job with CareAll not as a job but a calling or mission from God.  Congratualtions Karry, keep up the great work!

Lisa Paris is our director of the Brownsville/Haywood County office of CareAll Home Care.  Lisa and her wonderful staff work to care for the whole patient.  The Brownsville Office is available 24/7.  In caring for our patients, Lisa says, “our goal is to meet the financial, medical, social and spiritual needs of our patients.”  Please watch the following video to hear all that Lisa has to say.  If you are in the Brownsville or Haywood County area, click here to contact the office and see another video that introduces some of the Brownsville CareAll staff.